Scaletta NOFX al Carroponte, 11-12 maggio 2024

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Sabato 11 e domenica 12 maggio al Carroponte di Sesto San Giovanni (Milano) appuntamento con il tour 2024 dei NOFX (qui date e biglietti). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo lo show ecco la possibile scaletta.

Scaletta NOFX Milano 11/5

Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
Leave It Alone
The Cause
Perfect Government
Drugs Are Good
What’s the Matter With Parents Today?
Six Years on Dope
The Man I Killed
Leaving Jesusland
Don’t Call Me White
The Marxist Brothers
Pharmacist’s Daughter
Dinosaurs Will Die
100 Times Fuckeder
Lori Meyers
13 Stitches
Green Corn
Fuck the Kids
Juice Head
Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
Monosyllabic Girl
I’m Telling Tim
Can’t Get the Stink Out

My Orphan Year
Franco Un-American
Scavenger Type
Idiots Are Taking Over
Bottles to the Ground
Murder the Government
The Brews
Theme from a NOFX Album

LEGGI ANCHE  Calci e pugni al fan sul palco: incredibile reazione di Fat Mike dei Nofx (video)

Scaletta NOFX Milano 12/5

Stickin’ in My Eye
It’s My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite
Kids of the K-Hole
Quart in Session
All Outta Angst
72 Hookers
I Believe in Goddes
Eat the Meek
180 Degrees
I Love You More Than I Hate Me
We Called It America
Please Play This Song on the Radio
Buggley Eyes
The Separation of Church and Skate

Soul Doubt
Johnny Appleseed
Falling in Love
Les Champs-Élysées
I’m So Sorry Tony
The Decline

Scaletta NOFX 2024

Di seguito la scaletta suonata nel recente tour americano.

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Riff Raff
Dinosaurs Will Die
Perfect Government
Leave It Alone
Stickin’ in My Eye
Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
All Outta Angst
72 Hookers
Six Years on Dope
Fuck the Kids (Revisited)
Juice Head
Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
Monosyllabic Girl
I’m Telling Tim
Instant Crassic
Can’t Get the Stink Out
Leaving Jesusland
I Love You More Than I Hate Me
180 Degrees
It’s My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite
Kill All the White Man
Murder the Government
The Brews

LEGGI ANCHE  Info Mika live a Taormina: biglietti, orari e scaletta

The Separation of Church and Skate
Franco Un-American
I’m So Sorry Tony
Bottles to the Ground
The Decline

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About Luca Landoni 21259 Articles
Giornalista pubblicista iscritto all'ODG Lombardia. Amante in particolare di gothic/dark e progressive rock. Ha lasciato il cuore nei Marillion epoca Fish. Contatto diretto: