M.I.A.: Bring The Noize (video ufficiale e testo)

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Questo pomeriggio è stato pubblicato il video ufficiale di Bring the Noize, l’ultimo singolo di M.I.A. uscito pochi giorni fa e da noi recensito.

Da un punto di vista artistico, il video del brano sembra il naturale proseguimento della clip di Bad girls (diretta dal talentuoso regista francese Romain Gavras), nel quale avevamo visto la cantante cingalese destreggiarsi in una spericolata corsa automobilistica nel deserto marocchino: in Bring The Noize vediamo invece M.I.A. scatenarsi all’interno di un locale underground con un’improbabile parrucca rosa in testa.

Il videoclip si adatta perfettamente al ritmo serrato del pezzo, e mescola elementi pop ad effetti maggiormente sperimentali, come il filtro oro che vediamo verso la fine.

Ecco il video ufficiale e il testo di Bring the Noize: a noi piace molto, voi che ne dite?

LEGGI ANCHE  Mahmood - Eternantena: testo e video ufficiale


I’m so tangy, people call me Mathangi
Goddess of word, bitches I’m a keep it banging
Truth is like a rotten tooth, you gotta spit it out!
Let the bottom two, let my wisdom work it out
Big on the underground, can’t knock me down
Vicki Leekx bitches, better buy it on demand
I sleep on my tongue and I sleep by two.
I can say lots with a little words or few like
Adam had ‘em yeh meed the madame
I’ll introduce you do the ????
Come let me go, do you like my perfume?
Made it at home with some gasoline and shrooms
Oil and water are two extremes
We like fucking carpets, you like fucking brooms
Why is your tattoo some ugly looking thing?
I got many designs they’re adding on Bing
My cousin got his DCS he’s decorating
He’s handy you might need him when I’m finishing what I’m saying
Let’s be frank you must damn understand!
I don’t care what you smell what you fucking drank
A lot to be pissed they’re ?? we’re yanks
Cause it’s not me and you, it’s the fucking banks!
Bring the noise when we run upon them!
Bring the noise when we run upon them!
Free them, free them, free them, free them (freedom – freedom)
If it’s like a rotten tooth, you gotta spit it out *spits sound*
Let the bottom two, let my wisdom work it out
The world is ours, sending yours or the powers
Words unannounced, hope you herd like cows
A bikini body, worth a tally or a rich
Bitch, my swag rich, can’t touch this
So click, click, click, please get off my dick
Just ‘cause I’m ?? it don’t make me thick
I’m a overweight, heavyweight, female Slick Rick
If you need the cheese then my shit cost stake
I got – a bug spray, bucket, stick
I got – tons of the fun stuff tons and tons of it
Bring the noise when we run upon them
Bring the noise when we run upon them
Freedom’s just another word
Nothing left to lose
Freedom’s just another word
Nothing left to lose
Freedom’s just another word
Nothing left to lose

LEGGI ANCHE  Lo Stato Sociale a Sanremo con Combat Pop: testo e video

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